Chippy old box love.
Do you ever see something and think immediately.....I must have that?! I'm not hit with it often, but when I am, I try to listen to my gut. This happened several weeks ago one day when I was working at the shop. I glanced across the street to Nana and Papa's store and laid eyes on this JANKY old box thing. It was big. It was chippy and peely. It was love at first site. I can't explain it.
I had no idea what I would do with this beast so we drug it home and stuck it in the garage. Strangely enough, our new place is somewhat lacking in storage for linens. And apparently I am a hoarder of pillows. So at the very least I figured I could use the chest for that. Then it hit me. Every time I walk through the basement I am instantly irritated at all the couch pillows slung everywhere. Never where they belong - always messy, half on the floor. Do people even use these pillows?? Inspiration.
We have an empty wall between the stairs and the guest room, right 'across' from where we have a game table. It's kind of a wasted space at this point. We also have a wall mount fireplace heater thingy that I trip over DAILY in our storage room. It needs a home. I thought this wall might be perfect for our janky box and that heater. The game table is in a bay window so the heater will actually provide a function as well if we are puzzling in the winter!
To complete the box for placement I cleaned it thoroughly. See all that chippy stuff? It's actually old wallpaper someone used to cover up the writing on the box at some point in time! I love the look so I sealed it with a clear sealer after I cleaned it. That helped, but this was a job for Mod Podge. So after letting it dry, I applied a coat of Mod Podge to ensure the paper stays in place.
Next I painted this old vase I had to make it gel with the color scheme I have going in the new house. I did a think coat of paint, then sanded over the existing pattern to bring out the detail.
Of course I had to paint the wall to brighten it up. And. I'm weird about fresh walls. Quick coat of a bright white and it's looking good.
We hauled the box downstairs and I styled it with some random decorative balls in a basket. It's filled with all those ridiculous pillows which are easily accessible yet hidden! YAY! I added a basket with a blanket and my new (old) vase! I have wanted to get some pampas grass (which for some reason is stupid expensive) so Denise harvested me some GORGEOUS grass from her yard. Hello. I love free.
So, ta-da! Here is my finished wall (except for that dang cord.....I will deal with him later). I'm so happy with the use of space being so functional and homey! I'll share the products I used below!
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